
Become a Member of ICS and help us witness to Jesus Christ in Europe and beyond. ICS is a voluntary agency and members are the core of our support base. We encourage you to pray, attend our AGM and volunteer time and energy in any way possible.

What does membership involve?

  • Support ICS’s work through prayer, active interest and involvement to help us fulfil our mission.

  • Donate annually a minimum of £32 full or £16 concessionary (over 65 or unwaged) per member. Where a couple are both members (with joint mailings to one address), the second member need only donate a minimum of half of their eligible rate: £16 for full rate or £8 for concessionary rate.

  • Be in full agreement with the objects of the Society (please see below) and with the ICS Basis of Faith

  • You will be invited to vote at our AGM or you may stand for election to our Council (board).

Membership Responsibilities

Please note carefully the following information. ICS is a company limited by guarantee. Members are therefore bound by the ‘constitution’ of the company (its Memorandum and Articles, a copy of which can be obtained from ICS) and any rules relating to Membership in force from time to time.

The object for which the company is established is to: ‘advance the Christian Gospel by evangelical mission and ministry to English-speaking people throughout the world.’

Subscriptions must be unrestricted gifts to the general fund of the Society. However, donations over and above the minimum may be designated for a particular appeal or object (subject to our usual conditions of acceptance) once the minimum donation has been made to the general fund. Every Member of the Society undertakes to contribute such amount as may be required (not exceeding £10) to the Society’s assets if it should be wound up while he or she is a Member or within one year after he or she ceases to be a Member…’ (cl. 8 of the Memorandum).

How to apply:

  • Please read Details of membership and then complete the Membership Application form below.  If you prefer, you can download the membership application form and return by post.

  • Make your annual donation online (see options below) or send payment with your form by post.

  • Your application will be put before the ICS Council to be approved. Once a Member, in addition to ICS’s usual mailings, you will be sent Member mailings such as notice of the AGM.

Your partnership helps us in our mission to spread the good news of Jesus Christ. Thank you!