Alice Myles Alice Myles

An Interview with Greg Harris

Intercontinental Church Society (ICS) and Bush Church Aid (BCA) are partner organisations so whenever Greg Harris was over visiting in Coventry we sat down with him to chat about the work of ICS and BCA.

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Alice Myles Alice Myles

Maundy Money

Cecilia Johnston of the congregation in Zwolle in Worcester Cathedral on Maundy Thursday.

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Alice Myles Alice Myles

New Chaplain in Cannes

We are delighted to welcome new chaplain, Andrew Brewerton, who will be licensed as new Chaplain of Holy Trinity Cannes in early summer. Please pray for him and his wife Amanda as they prepare for the move.

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Alice Myles Alice Myles

Christmas in Wengen

Roger Scoones reflects on his experience serving in Wengen during the Christmas season.

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Alice Myles Alice Myles

Bumper turnout in Izmir

ICS friends know all about the delights of the 'Church Christmas Fair'. Here in Izmir, the fair is a longstanding one, attracting not only friends from the local churches, but also local folk who love the opportunity to peruse our numerous stalls and a have a look inside the church, which we make sure is beautifully decorated for Christmas (liturgical purists look away now, this year’s fair wasn’t even in Advent!).

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Alice Myles Alice Myles

Licensing in Paris

On Sunday 3 December, The Revd Canon Jay Colwill was licensed as the new Chaplain of St Michael's Paris by Archdeacon Peter Hooper. The Revd Canon Richard Bromley presented Jay on behalf of ICS.

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